We are Petra, Alex and Barney.
Both born in 1970 and have traveled the world a lot in our professional lives.
I, Petra, worked in biotechnology for more than 20 years and am a part-time certified yoga teacher and Alex has been working in tourism since he was 20 years old.
We are both enthusiastic mountain bikers, joggers, like to hike and if it comes up, we use our holidays for diving together.
After Alex hasn't been able to bring himself to do a yoga class together, he also likes to use his free time for a motorcycle tour.
A few years ago we decided that, after countless moves, it was now time to look for a real “home” that would not only accommodate us, but also our family when the time came.
Since we wanted to continue Alex's passion, renting holiday homes, on a smaller scale, it wasn't easy to find the "right" place for us.
But good things take time and after a long search we have finally found "our" home in summer 2021.
The Nachtigallenhof, formerly in the hands of artists, enchanted us from the first moment with its incomparable charm and we are very much looking forward to welcoming our holiday guests here in a of the most beautiful regions of Germany.
Let yourself be enchanted!
With this in mind, already today: "Welcome to the Nachtigallenhof"!
Petra, Alex & Barney